First,Da-jie's chalet.yeap,everybody was late in meeting again.as usual!LOL!count me in this time too,cause i got sick of waiting too long.hahahhas!It was at sentosa coasta sand i think?ohwell,didnt pay much attention.actually planned to go swimming in the sea one but then,CHAD had to ripped my pants apart luh,to demonstrate how fierce there were when they played beach rugby on GOODfriday =.=! kinda regret not going but running away from work makes me guilty too.I think i couldnt join their outing manymany times already.SORREH YEAH?(: back to the chalet,the food was nice and it was all bbq-ed for us and i we had to do was to chew!But i had to leave early due to 2reasons,firstly there was work tomorrow and secondly there was SS in which liverpoolLOSTto man.u!BOOOOOOOOSHIT MAN!referee kayu can?Anyways,da-jie's family is friendddddly!
Went out with sitoh on tuesday night to catch semi-pro.BOOOS to the critic that told me it sucks the previous night,HAHAHHAH!Everybody was laughing dang loudly in the theatre loh!I think i should apply their rule on soccer too,ELE,EVERYBODY LOVES EDMUND!hahahhahhas,joking its actually everybody loves everybody.XOXOXOX!She was sinful but i was not!SUPPERCHATCABHOMESLEEP!It wasnt that bad as i thought it would be,just some awkwardness(: &&she really boss man,walk topfloor of TM and met 6527352532476 friends already!hahahhas
ITS LAST WEEK OF WORK!super slacky nowadays cause i am in charge of teaching a new guy and last 2 days he was the one selling tickets.so edmund was seriously wasting his time slacking there doing nothing except some minor work.almost fell asleep playing game too!
&i discovered 3 new games that is super fun for PSP,MANHUNT2,though not as freaky as what chad say.but its still nice to play!build up my patience too.BUBBLEBOBBLE!CHEERS to this game,super fun and i am getting pro already man!really kills time and easy to get hooked too.lastly,the mania that i presume was started by pongy which spreaded around and farid&chad spread to me,PATAPON!WOOOHOO!the coolest/lamest/funniest game man!stupid but addictive.ponponpatapon,patapatapatapon!NO SOFTPON!hahahhahhas
There you go,the good news that had happen so far this week,more to come more to come!
To life,with love,ROCK ON!